Parents as Teachers

Are you pregnant? Have a child under 6? Do you have questions about your child’s growth and development? If yes, Parents as Teachers might be a great resource for you and your family!

Our Services for your family include:

  • Personal visits by a Certified Parent Educator to support you in your parenting role and provide child development information. You will receive age appropriate hand-outs, resources from your parent educator and have an opportunity to “try out” new, fun activities!  Visits are typically one hour long and happen 2-4X per month.
  • Parent group meetings, “Group connections”- get to know other families, share successes, challenges.
  • Child Screening to access hearing, health, vision and overall development.
  • Resource network to link you with community resources if needed.

Parents as Teachers (PAT) is an early childhood home visiting program, designed to help you learn more about parenting, support your child’s development, and help with the challenges of family life. Our services are available to your family until your child turns 6. Your participation is voluntary and there is no cost. Parent as Teachers is a service through Children’s Integrated Services (CIS) at the Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development.

For more information contact Lisa Atwater,, 802-257-2101 x201.