Vermont Community Sunscreen Dispenser Program selects Winston Prouty campus for dispenser location

If you are among those who didn’t bring sunscreen when enjoying the outdoors at a Vermont park or recreation site, we’ve got you covered! The Vermont Community Sunscreen Dispenser Program is expanding a program that stationed free sunscreen dispensers at 12 parks around the state last year. Now, even more people will have access to free sunscreen with the addition of 16 new dispenser sites, and we are delighted to be selected as one of them!

“We are thrilled to be chosen as a site for the Vermont Community Sunscreen Dispenser Program,” said Sarah DiNicola, director of development & communications. “Our campus hosts hundreds of visitors every year, from youth soccer teams, to parenting support groups, to area residents enjoying the network of trails. We hope that by having a dispenser in an easily accessible location, the local community can further enjoy our campus in a fun and safe way.”

The dispensers were made available thanks to the collaborative efforts of Vermonters Taking Action against Cancer (VTAAC), Dartmouth Cancer Center, University of Vermont (UVM) Cancer Center, and IMPACT Melanoma. The purpose of these free sunscreen stations is two-fold: to provide easy access to SPF 30 sunscreen as well as remind campus visitors that sun protection is critical to their optimal health. Sun safety is in their hands — quite literally.

“Prevention is the key to avoiding this deadly form of cancer,” said Sharon Mallory, director of the Department of Health’s Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. “Even on cloudy or cool days ultraviolet rays can be harmful, so it’s important to protect your skin with a sunblock that’s labeled SPF 30 or higher,” said Mallory. “These dispensers make sunscreen free and easy to access for everyone, which means you don’t have to worry that you left yours at home.”

Vermont has the second highest incidence rate of melanoma in the U.S. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun or tanning beds is a major risk factor for developing melanoma.

“We are so fortunate to have partners like the State of Vermont and our friends at VTAAC, the UVM Cancer Center and the Dartmouth Cancer Center in making cancer prevention accessible to everyone,” said Deb Girard, executive director of IMPACT Melanoma.

For more information on sun safety and the full list of sunscreen dispenser sites, visit